How to network like a pro (even when you don’t feel like one)

I recently received a flattering compliment from a client who remarked on my seemingly effortless ability to network and build relationships. However, I must admit that I haven’t always been good at networking; in fact, I was quite terrible at it. In this blog, I want to share the valuable lessons I’ve learned over the years to help those who, like me, need to enhance their networking skills. Networking is like a muscle; you need to work on it to grow stronger.

Finding My Voice

Naturally introverted, I once dreaded public speaking and social interactions. My voice was often criticized for sounding breathless and nervous. During an annual performance review, my manager gave me a brutally honest ultimatum: overcome these fears and improve my public speaking, or my career wouldn’t advance.

I embarked on a journey of trying various public speaking courses, coaching, and role-plays, but the anxiety grew. Then, an epiphany struck when I heard a colleague singing confidently in the office. If I could sing in public, I thought, I could certainly speak in public. I enrolled in singing lessons, which not only improved my vocal cord issue but also boosted my confidence.

The key takeaway here is that overcoming your fears is easier when you immerse yourself in an activity you naturally enjoy. By combining your interests with skill development, you can build your confidence effectively.

Communicating with Authenticity

Authenticity is the key to successful networking. When people talk about what truly matters to them, their energy and enthusiasm shine through. It’s important not to attend networking events solely to sell a product or service. Instead, focus on meeting like-minded individuals, understanding their journeys, and learning from their experiences.

I approach events with a genuine desire to connect. I ask meaningful questions and consider how I can help others by making introductions, sharing valuable articles, or recommending helpful tools. Authenticity makes your story compelling and engaging, enhancing your networking experience.

Networking Tips

Once you’ve built confidence and authenticity in your networking approach, here are some practical tips to improve your effectiveness:

  1. Know Your Elevator Pitch: Craft a clear, authentic, and passionate elevator pitch to introduce yourself confidently.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Make a positive first impression by dressing professionally. People often form opinions based on appearances.
  3. Follow Business Card Etiquette: Always carry business cards and ensure they’re easily accessible. Connect with new contacts afterward and make notes about where and what you discussed. Alternatively, have your LinkedIn QR code ready to scan.

Building a strong network takes time and effort. Invest in yourself by developing skills like public speaking, conversation, and memory. Also, invest in others by attending relevant events with genuine enthusiasm and a desire to connect. This mindset is sure to lead you to networking success.