HR Leader: Globalisation is forcing business practices to evolve

Aussie workers are collaborating with employees from other countries at a higher rate than ever. As workplaces extend beyond borders, business practices are changing.

A study by Capterra revealed that 60 per cent of Aussie workers collaborate with employees from different countries at least once a month during their job roles. As business practices adapt to the constant enhancements of technology, countries’ borders have increasingly become blurred over the years as globalisation takes effect.

According to the Reserve Bank of Australia, globalisation means different things to different people, but a key economic dimension of it is undoubtedly the opening up of economies to international competition, allowing goods, ideas, capital and some people to move more freely between countries.

According to the Capterra survey, 19 per cent of respondents worked with people abroad once a day. More insights showed that 25 per cent of Aussies collaborated with international workers at least once a week, with only 28 per cent revealing that they never do, meaning that 72 per cent of respondents work across international borders.

HR Leader recently spoke to Trena Blair, global business expansion expert and founder of FD Global Connections, who has directly experienced the benefits of a globalised workforce. Blair outlined a number of positives that a globalised workforce offers:

Accessing talent: I can tap into a diverse pool of talent from around the world, finding individuals with specialised skills and expertise that may be scarce in my local area.

Cost efficiency: Hiring globally often proves more cost-effective than relying solely on local talent, as I can take advantage of lower labour costs in certain regions.

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